1. YUKA - Irina Solobutova - dj, producer, promouter
Since 1998 has been living in Moscow.
1999 - first gig /Moscow
2005 - first mixes - "The Fly in Wonderland" and " Kitchen Studio" - broadcast by the famous Moscow internet-radio Deepmix
2008 - first released track "Deep Deep Indigo"- Romance with Robots EP - FULLPANDA 007 (12")
_first live act at the International Festival of Modern Music and Media-Art "MIGZ" / Moscow
2009 - Cyber Kokopelli EP - FULLPANDA 008
_ regular gigs at the Fullpanda events - ALL YOU NEED IS EARS /Berlin, Paris, Moscow...
_ V/A "Vatka" - Electronica 01 [e10]
_ V/A "Snow Fox" - Sputnik-1 EP - PRO-TEZ 010 (12")
_ together with RYBA is running the series of nights - HABITS DIE /Solyanka club, Moscow
_* Asia EP - FULLPANDA 011 - OUT NOW - EXCLUSIVE on beatport !
2. ?
Источник: last.fm |